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A Fixed Deposit is a great way to save for your future! You can book a Fixed Deposit for a minimum tenure of 7 days and maximum of up to 10 years.
Apart from that, there is an auto renewal option available so you can continue your Fixed Deposit investment till the time you want.
You can book a Term / Fixed Deposit by following a few simple steps:
1. On Mobile Banking
1) Go to Banking -> Fixed/Recurring Deposits
2) Open Fixed Deposit
2. On Net Banking
1) Go to Investment -> Deposits
2) Open A Fixed / Recurring Deposit
Please Note:
1) Please click https://www.kotak.com/en/personal-banking/Deposits/Fixed-Deposit/Fixed-Deposit-interest-rate.html?cid=answer&source=keya&medium=faq to know Fixed Deposit interest rates.